Early childhood education
Lubuto libraries offer enriching early childhood educational programs for vulnerable young children between the ages of birth and eight in Lusaka, the vast majority of whom lack access to formal preschool programs. By providing a vital foundation in early learning and literacy experiences, Lubuto’s ECE programming promises to have a lasting impact on the long-term educational and psychosocial outcomes for vulnerable children in Zambia.
Early childhood education sessions are offered during Family Literacy program sessions and include early literacy activities focused on building skills such as phonological awareness, print awareness and motivation, narrative skills, and letter awareness that are evidence-based predictors of future reading ability. ECE programs also include music and movement, science experiments and math activities, and gross and fine motor activities, as well as a parent-child component that equips mothers and female caregivers to engage their children in quality early learning experience at home.
Model early learning spaces developed at Lubuto’s Comboni American Youth Library and the Lubuto Model Library include themed play spaces that promote dramatic play and build a broader understanding among librarians, parents, and community members of the role of play in early learning and literacy development.

What a different world Lubuto libraries are now reaching in the Southern Province community of Nabukuyu, 23 km east of Monze! Eight years of working with the Matantala Rural Integrated Development… Read more