2025 marks important milestones for Lubuto--20 years as a nonprofit organization and 25+ years serving communities in Zambia. Lubuto’s vision has always been a world where all children and youth are supported by libraries to reach their full potential and realize their rights to culture, arts, information and literacy.
The road to literacy begins at birth. Lubuto's newest initiative shows how public libraries uniquely support parents and caregivers on that journey. The Baby Laptime program teaches them to give their babies (ages 0 to 2) the best start to unlocking their full potential. Adapting the American Library Association's Every Child Ready to Read® approach--incorporating Zambian early childhood practices, storytelling and songs--Baby Laptime introduces parents to the five simple practices that help children get ready to read: talking, singing, playing, reading and writing.
Throughout this anniversary year we will be sharing what we have learned, plans for Lubuto's future initiatives and reflections on what Lubuto has meant to our community. We are planning special celebrations commemorating 20 years of hard work, growth and joy--including one event in partnership with the Zambian Embassy in Washington. Please watch your inbox and follow us on social media (now on Bluesky too!) for more.
