Masana wa Afrika supports Lubuto's contextually relevant and integrated operations

No matter what happened, we’ve always been there for them
Nearly 20 years ago Lubuto was born as a grassroots solution for the most vulnerable young people in Zambia. During those two decades, and despite their inherent challenges, the libraries attracted more than 200,000 children from all walks of life. Lubuto libraries connected children with exciting books and stories, new skills and passions, role models, and each other. Working from the ground up, Lubuto directly and continuously learned from young people what their greatest needs are—and developed and adapted tailored programs to meet them.
Lubuto libraries and their programs have stood the test of time in their ability to adapt and meet the moment. They have been supported through a variety of funding sources over the years, both from organizations and individuals. However, until recently, Lubuto's grant funding has largely been project-focused—not long-term or sustainable.
Beginning 10 years ago, support from USAID’s American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) was a gamechanger. ASHA funded five construction and renovation projects that have provided solar-powered and connected library centers as well as book collections, technology and educational tools. With new and updated libraries under ASHA, and loyal individual supporters, it was still critically important to find foundation partners to support operations including staffing, training, programming and administration.
15 years into our journey, Lubuto found an enduring partner in Masana wa Afrika (then ELMA Foundation) in 2020. They chose us as an organization whose impact was worthy of their long-term and unrestricted investment.
Masana wa Afrika is an Africa-based foundation that supports community-based organizations who "implement diverse, contextually relevant, and integrated approaches to improving the lives of children in Africa." Rather than supporting short-term projects, they provide multi-year, flexible support to grantees.
As a partner committed to institutional strengthening, Masana wa Afrika provides tailored support to building capacity based on their grantees’ individual circumstances. Lubuto has an important story to tell and needed to get the word out. So Masana recently worked with Lubuto’s Director of Operations Hadassah Kasukumya to create a video highlighting Lubuto's work and accomplishments.
Thanks to Masana’s ongoing operational support, Lubuto is optimistic about our future and our ability to be guided by the thousands of children served by Lubuto libraries to help them reach their full potential.
Please help sustain Lubuto Library Partners!
"I’ve donated to Lubuto for 15 years. I trust them implicitly. I earnestly believe every penny is used to the utmost for enriching the lives of the children they serve. It is an honor to [be] able to assist them in their works."
- a monthly donor to Lubuto
Although having an unrestricted supporter like Masana wa Afrika is a key step in Lubuto's sustainability, their funding depends on investment from friends like you. Please help keep Lubuto's promise to Zambia's children and ensure that their beloved libraries will always be there for them.
Will you make a commitment to donate monthly and become a sustaining subscriber to Lubuto today?
