
Here's a little story and a big appeal. A bit long, but please read because it's important to me.

Many of you know how much my involvement with Lubuto Library Partners means to me. Being part of Lubuto's growth over the years and seeing first-hand the impact of Lubuto's programs on Zambian children's lives strengthened my commitment to our mission to change lives through child-friendly, culture-specific, and well-equipped learning spaces.

I am so proud of this small, energetic, committed organization that has demonstrated how libraries can make a real difference for thousands of young people. I would love it if each of you were transported to Lubuto libraries to experience them for yourselves. For now, hear the voices of some of our Lubuto kids and join me in supporting them through your gift to Lubuto Library Partners.

The kids and I would be immensely grateful for any donation, but please consider that recurring donations are what sustains us and regular monthly or quarterly gifts have even greater value to the organization. Becoming a sustaining donor makes you an “ambassador” for Lubuto and ensures that many more African children will have access to resources, programs and role models who empower them to believe in themselves, advocate for their futures, and take their places as leaders in society.

To make things easy, you can use the Donate link on our website to set up a donation, but it's also easy to make this a regular check or debit from your bank account. (That's what I'm doing and it's more inspiring than sending money to Pepco!)

Thanks for reading and supporting Lubuto!